Call for Papers
2024 ILOTA Annual Conference
* In-Person, Two-Day Conference on Friday and Saturday, November 22-23, 2024, at the NIU Naperville Conference Center
* Virtual, On-Demand Short Courses Available Throughout November and December, 2024
* UPDATE: The Call for Papers is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal. We will be in touch with you soon!*
We are excited to announce our plans for the 2024 ILOTA Annual Conference! With the combination of both an in-person, two-day conference and the virtual programming, there are multiple presentation options.
Here are some important resources for anyone planning to submit a proposal:
- Recording of Workshop on YouTube - PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
- Chat Messages from Workshop (PDF)
Proposals will be received in these 10 areas of practice for 2024:
- Academic Education / Fieldwork
- Developmental Disabilities
- General
- Home & Community Health
- Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
- Mental Health
- Physical Disabilities – including:
- Neurorehabilitation
- Orthopedic
- Productive Aging
- Pediatrics – includes Early Intervention, School-Based Practice, Sensory Integration
- Specialties – including:
- Administration & Management
- Assistive Technology
- Other
Options for IN-PERSON Presentations on Friday and Saturday, November 22-23, 2024, at the NIU Naperville Conference Center:
A. 1.5-hour Instructional Course
B. 3.0-hour Instructional Course
- Courses should be 180 minutes in length
- Presenters will prepare an in-person course designed for hands-on learning and interactive learning/discussion
C. Poster Session
- Cutting-edge research and the opportunity to discuss the findings one-on-one with the presenter.
Options for VIRTUAL Presentations:
1.0-hour Pre-Recorded Short Course
- Courses should be 60 minutes in length
- Presenters will record course and ILOTA will have it available for attendee viewing
During the online submission process, participants must read and agree to the following statements:
- Confirmations will be sent via e-mail by mid-July regarding acceptance of submissions. Confirmations not acknowledged by the due date may result in a session being dropped from the final program.
- The speaker must provide any course materials/handouts.
- Speakers will have the option to submit handouts and course materials to be posted on the ILOTA website and Learning Management System (LMS) website, which will be available for download by attendees. Instructions will be provided at a later date.
- Speakers are asked not to sell products during their presentations.
- Speakers of virtual pre-recorded sessions are responsible for using their own computer to record presentations (ILOTA will provide recording assistance).
- Speakers of in-person courses will have access to a desktop computer with high speed internet, laptop hook-up cables, LCD projector and screen, white board, flip chart, wireless mouse, CD/DVD player. Speakers must bring their presentation on a laptop or portable drive, or be able to access their presentation through the Internet.
- ILOTA reserves the right to close registration once we have reached the maximum number of registrations, even if all speakers haven not registered for the conference. Therefore, after accepting the invitation to present, it is advisable to promptly register for the conference once the registration process opens.
NOTE: We recommend that you prepare your submission content (title, description, abstract, speakers, etc.) in advance in MS Word to copy-and-paste into the fields. You will not be able to save your submission along the way, and must complete the form once you begin. If you are submitting more than one proposal, you can return to this webpage at a later time to submit an additional proposal.