Licensure in Illinois
General information
- In order to practice as an occupational therapist or certified occupational therapy assistant in the state of Illinois, you must hold a license issued by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.
- Illinois licenses expire on December 31 of each odd numbered year. The State of Illinois requires the completion of 24 contact hours of continuing education each renewal period. It is the responsibility of the licensee to complete the required renewal process in a timely manner.
- It is the responsibility of each licensee to notify the Department of Professional Regulation of any change of address. Failure to receive a renewal form from the Department shall not constitute an excuse for failure to pay the renewal fee or to renew one's license.
- It is recommended that experienced therapists moving to Illinois or those renewing an Illinois license complete all paperwork with enough time for the paperwork to be processed and the new license to be received. Completing the application process or being told the license is in the mail is not adequate to practice. A license must be in procession in order to be valid.
- Procedures for applying for new license as a new graduate can be explained by your school.
- No individual can practice occupational therapy in the State of Illinois without a valid license.
- One contact hour in ethics education is required during every renewal period beginning with the December 2017 renewal.
- NEW! In late 2019, IDFPR released this statement: "A new law passed earlier this year requires sexual harassment prevention training for all persons who hold a professional license issued by the Division of Professional Regulation (DPR) for professions that require CE to renew. The law requires licensees to complete a one-hour CE course in sexual harassment prevention training and is effective for all renewals on or after January 1, 2020. This CE requirement is included in the number of hours already required under the individual Acts and Rules and does not increase the number of hours required to renew a license." To view the complete IDFPR notice, click here.
- Information regarding the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation can be found at
IDPR Contact information
Mailing Address Springfield Office: 320 West Washington St Springfield, IL 62786
Chicago Office: James R. Thompson Center 100 W. Randolph St Suite 9-300 Chicago, IL 60601
Telephone Springfield Office: (217)785-0800 (217)524-6735 TDD (217)782-7645FAX Chicago: (312)814-4500
What part does ILOTA play in Illinois Licensure?
ILOTA does not license OT’s. The State of Illinois controls the application process, disciplinary actions, fees and licensing requirements including the statement of Professional Conduct required by each licensed professional.
The ILOTA does provide input and lobbying functions in order to protect the integrity of the OT license in the State of Illinois. Lobbying for our profession is only made possible through an active and supportive membership. Each occupational therapy professional in the state of Illinois should maintain membership with the ILOTA in order to support this vital function.
Look on the menu on the left side of the page to go into the Professional Regulation section. The following information is available on the Department’s web site:
- List of professions regulated, their Acts and Rules
- Board/Committee information and member listings
- Monthly Disciplinary Reports
- How to file a complaint against a licensee
- Obtain an application for licensure
A person with inquires about application requirements or pending applications.
If you need assistance or have a question about an existing license, please direct your inquiry to the Licensure Maintenance Unit (LMU).
- Change of name and address
- Renewals
- Certification to another state or country
- Reinstatements and restorations
- Inactive status adjustments
- Requests for professional acts and rules
- Requests for applications forms
If you have a complaint against any individual or entity regulated by the Department of Professional Regulation, you may contact the Complaint Intake Unit. All complaints that are received will be promptly forwarded to a Department investigator. Complaints may also be submitted in writing to the Complaint Intake Unit at 100 West Randolph Street, Suite 9-300, Chicago, Illinois 60601, or can be made in person at either the Department’s Springfield or Chicago office. When submitting a written complaint, please be as detailed as possible, and include your name, address, and telephone number so that the Department investigator can contact you if necessary.